
JIA Guoping is a professor of composition and academic supervisor of doctoral students at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. He is also the director of Institute of Musicology in Central Conservatory of Music/Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities of China.

JIA Guoping was born in 1963 in Shanxi Province of China. From the year 1975 to 1977, he studied Jinhu (a Chinese traditional string instrument) playing at one performing class in Lishi, Shanxi. In 1977, he began to play Jinhu as a dominant player in Jin Opera Troupe of Lishi. From 1980 to 1984 he studied Jin Opera music at Jin Opera Academy of Shanxi. From 1984 to 1987 he was director of the music department at Culture House in lvliang, Shanxi. In 1987, he began to study composition first with Qu Xiaosong then with Prof. Xu Zhenmin in the composition apartment of the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing. In 1991, he graduated in advance and began to teach

composition at the Conservatory. In 1994, he received a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), which enabled him to study composition first with Prof. Rolf Hempel then with Prof. Helmut Lachenmann at the State University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart, Germany. After graduation from Stuttgart with künstliches Aufbaustudium in July 1998, he returned to China and kept on teaching again as an assistant professor, then got the composition doctor degree by Prof. Wu Zuqiang in the year 2006 at the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing.

Jia Guoping’s composition pieces involve various genres such as chamber music, orchestral music, ballet music and so on. Most of his scores have been published by the German international music publishing company “Sikorski”. His pieces were performed by a lot of world-famous music ensembles and orchestras, such as the Arditti Quartet, the Toronto New Music Ensemble, the E-Mex Ensemble, the Deutsche Symphony Orchestra, the Munich Philharmonic

Orchestra, the Mannheim National Opera Orchestra, the China National Symphony Orchestra, the Mexico OFUNAM Orchestra, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and so on. Representative pieces are: Winterblumen for harp and computer(1995), The lone pine singing in the wind for woodwind quintet (2001), The Wind Sound in the Sky for cello, sheng and percussionist (2002), Schweben über grenzenlosem Feld for flute and piano (2002), Der zersplitterte Klangschatten for pipa and four percussionists (2003), Wo kein Klang ist for accordion, violin and cello (2005), Whispers of a gentle wind for pipa, banhu, sheng and zheng (2011), Scattered Shades for quintet (2014), Sparkling in the Vast for sextet (2014), Liuyun for pipa, sheng and ensemble (2015) and the orchestral pieces Qing Diao (1998), Eisfeuer (2005), Falling Leaves Into Deep Valley (2011), Kalaviuka(2012), The pine-soughing valleys for zheng, sheng and orchestra(2014) and Prelude–Drifting in the Firmament for Chinese orchestra(2001).

Over these years, Jia Guoping also committed to promoting the benign development of Chinese contemporary music. He originated “China Con Tempo Composition Competition”, which has already been held successfully for eight times since the year 2007. In 2009 he organized the “Classical Modern Music Composers – Germany Contemporary Music Week” activities. 2010 he initiated “Con Tempo Primo – an educational program for contemporary music” and established the Ensemble ConTempo Beijing, which has been invited to worldwide music festivals. From 2011 to 2014 he organized the “Beijing International Composition Workshop” four times. 2015 he conceived and held the “Training Program for Music Criticism” project, which is supported by the China National Arts Fund.


1963年出生于山西省吕梁地区离石县。1977年-1980年就职于离石县晋剧团。1980年-1984年在山西省戏曲学校学习。1984年-1987年就职于吕梁地区群众艺术馆。1987年考入中央音乐学院作曲系。1991年提前毕业并于中央音乐学院作曲系任教。1994年获德国高等学术交流基金会(DAAD)奖学金,留学于德国斯图加特国立音乐学院。1997年作品《音韵/TON YUN》(弦乐三重奏)获“德国汉堡97’勃拉姆斯年现代音乐作曲比赛”头奖。1998获得德国艺术家文凭,同年9月归国继续在中央音乐学院作曲系任教至今。2000年其科研课题“近二十年来中国音乐创作实践的作曲技术分析与经验总结”获国家教育部优秀年轻教师基金奖。2000年获霍英东教育基金会第七届高等院校青年教师奖。2003年科研课题“八十年代以来中国器乐创作分析”获国家教育部优秀年轻教师基金奖。2005年作品《翔舞于无极之野》(长笛与钢琴)获得文化部全国音乐作品(合唱、室内乐)比赛三等奖。2010年获得教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。2012年获宝钢优秀教师奖。

其创作体裁广泛,涉及室内乐、管弦乐、民族管弦乐以及舞剧与影视音乐等。曾与阿蒂提弦乐四重奏(Arditti Quartet)乐团、多伦多新音乐团、德意志交响乐团、慕尼黑爱乐乐团、中国国家交响乐团等合作,作品在国内外多个城市上演,多部作品乐谱已由德国思考斯基国际音乐出版社(International Musikverlag Hans Sikorski)公司出版。屡受国内外音乐节与音乐院校的邀请进行出国演出与学术交流活动,包括北京音乐节、香港艺术节、瑞士巴塞尔国际现代音乐理事会(IGNM BASEL)举办的“丝绸之路音乐节”、瑞士温特图尔MUSICA RISERVATA系列音乐会、“东方纪元”中韩交流音乐节、韩国岭南国际青年作曲家音乐节、阿塞拜疆“文化对话”国际音乐节、加拿大温哥华“中加作曲家交流音乐节”、德国弗莱堡瑞士巴塞尔和奥地利费尔德科尔辛先后举办的“马可•波罗音乐节”、德国汉诺威远东音乐节、德国石荷州音乐节、波兰克拉克夫老城音乐节、韩国统营音乐节、吕贝克音乐学院、汉堡国立音乐戏剧学院、台湾师范大学音乐学院等等。

2007年发起“中国Con Tempo新室内乐作曲比赛”,现已成功连续举办六届;2009年组织策划了“作曲大师与现代音乐经典—德国当代音乐周”系列活动;2011年开始筹备“首届北京国际作曲大师班”,至今已成功连续举办三届;2011年负责“首届音乐分析论坛”的组织与筹备工作;2011年组建北京现代室内乐团,并于2012年随团赴欧洲参加德国石荷州音乐节、波兰克拉科夫老城音乐节、德国德累斯顿Ton Lagen当代音乐节以及2013年韩国统营国际音乐节,举办了中国当代室内乐作品的专场演出。
