Ripples in Spacetime for Sheng, Pipa, Zheng and Ensemble
该作品的创作灵感和音响核心来自”中国天眼” FAST所发现的来自宇宙深处脉冲星的三个信号片段。 “中国天眼”(500米口径射电望远镜Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope)的英文单词首字母也是构成此曲核心音高材料的来源。 此外,通过笙、琵琶与古筝3件中国民族乐器将中国传统音乐中的吟、猱、绰、注、弹挑、扫拂等极具中国韵味特征的音响贯穿作品,并与西方乐器融为一体共同营造一个独特的音响时空。
谨以此曲向“天眼之父”、 FAST工程发起者与奠基人南仁东先生表达由衷的敬意
Ripples in Spacetime is dedicated to an outstanding Chinese astronomer Nan Rendong, the chief scientist and the head engineer of Chinese FAST project, to expressing sincere respect for his pioneering work. The inspiration and core sonic gesture of this work all come from three slices of pulsar’s signals in deep space that have been discovered by Chinese Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) in 2017, and the dominated pitches of this work originate from several initial letters of FAST. In addition, the composer intends to fuse typical sounds played by Chinese traditional instruments, Sheng, Pipa, Zheng, and those of Western instruments into a unique musical world in this piece.