Schweben ueber grenzlosem Feld ” (2001/ 02) – for flute and piano
乐曲标题出自庄子《在宥》篇,“入无穷之门,以游无极之野”,展现的正是庄子终身 所倡导的特立独行“天地任我游”的至高精神境界。
作曲家期望创作一种在不同的音高区域、不同的音色、不同的力度、乐音与噪音等不 同的音乐材料以及不同的时间维度之间自由转换、漫游的音乐。自由是在选择与规定的材 料之上探寻和充分发展其千变万化可能性,翔舞则是抵达绝对自由之极境的超然状态。
该作品中,音色成为作曲家抒发情感的重要表现手段。两件西方乐器采用西方现代音 乐的演奏法,并借鉴中国民族乐器的演奏法及音色表现方式,创造出了富于中国神韵的多 彩音色。作曲家在创作中对两件乐器各自音色及二者的音色组合都进行了创造性的开发、 运用,对音色的处理和发挥臻于极致。作品中各种音色的运用与转换丰富多变,尤其是非 常规音色的运用使长笛与钢琴的音色达到了作品标题中所预示的“翔舞于无极之野”。
首演于 2002 年 1 月 26 日,瑞士温特图尔“来自中国的新音乐与诗歌”的师生专场作品 音乐会。
The composer wanted to create a kind of music that strolling and freely transformed in different time dimensions, different musical materials, different regions of pitch, different tone color, as well as between the music and noise with different strength. Freedom is the possibility to explore the ever-changing music form according to the selected and specified materials. This piece is absolutely a model of freedom that free to the extreme.
In this work, timbre is an important manifestation of ways to express composers’ emotions,it helps two western instruments playing music sometimes with modern western techniques, sometimes drawing from Chinese way, thus it shows
The title comes from the article “Zai You” by Zhuangzi, “入无穷之门,以游无极 之野”(Be in the wonderful world, no limit of enjoying in the wilderness), it shows the highest spiritual realm of “free” that Zhuangzi advocated .
us a very charming, colorful tone. The composer give something new to both of the two instruments, and also to the combination, the use of sound has been to the extreme. The conversion of different timbre is various and flexible, as well as the use of unconventional sound. It added more grace to the work, and make flute and piano sounds as described in the title “Schweben ueber grenzlosem Feld.”
The debut of this piece was given on a special music concert of teachers and students named “From China’s New Music And Poetry“ on January 26th, 2002, in Winterthur, Switzerland.
Flute: Heinrich Kelleer
Piano: Brigitta Steinbrecher