竹影萧疏 为长笛、单簧管、钢琴、小提琴与大提琴而作(1997/2014)

Scattered shades for Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Violin and Violoncello(1997/2014)



Scattered Shades von Jia Guoping bezieht seine wesentliche Anregung aus der alten chinesischen Tuchmalerei, dokumentiert aber gleichzeitig das Überwinden einer Schaffenskrise. Jia stellte sich 1997 während einer für ihn künstlerisch schwierigen Zeit die Aufgabe, eine Studie zu komponieren, die seine bisherigen kompositorischen Techniken mit den Mitteln rationaler Konstruktion überwindet. Scattered Shades greift diese Studie auf und zeichnet mit anderer Besetzung ihre Struktur vertiefend nach.


Ripples in Spacetime II  for Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Piano(2017)    

该作品的创作灵感和音响核心都来自”中国天眼” FAST所发现的来自宇宙深处脉冲星的三个信号片段。 “中国天眼”(500米口径射电望远镜Five Hundred Meter  Aperture  Spherical Radio Telescope)的英文单词首字母也是构成此曲核心音高材料的来源。 此外,通过极具中国韵味特征的音响贯穿作品,并尝试与西方乐器融为一体共同营造一个独特的音响时空。

谨以此曲向“天眼之父”、 FAST工程发起者与奠基人南仁东先生表达由衷的敬意。

Ripples in Spacetime is dedicated to an outstanding Chinese astronomer Nan Rendong, the founder and the chief scientist of Chinese FAST project, to expressing sincere respect for his pioneering work. 

The inspiration and core sonic gesture of this work came from three fragments of pulsar’s signals in deep space which was discovered by the “Chinese Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope” (FAST) in 2017. The dominant pitches of this work originate from the initial letters of FAST. Moreover, the composer intends to absorb some strong traditional Chinese music factors throughout this piece, and integrate it into Western instruments to contextualize a unique sound world.

贾国平 《葬花吟》为古筝独奏而作(2011)


《颓败线的颤动》 为大唢呐、笙与打击乐而作(1999)


 “… 颓败的身躯的全面都颤动了, 这颤动点点如鱼鳞, 每一鳞都起伏如佛水在烈火上, 空中也即刻一同振颤, 仿佛暴风雨中的荒海的波涛。

她于是抬起眼睛, 向着天空, 并无词的言语也沉默尽绝,惟有颤动辐射若太阳, 使空中的波涛立刻回旋, 如遭飓风,汹涌奔腾与无边的荒野…” ( 摘自鲁迅《野草 – 颓败线的颤动》)

中国传统乐器是否还有更多新的可能性 – 如新的演奏技术,新的音色以及新的表现力?此曲即从这一角度出发来作探索,并尝试运用与其相适应的音乐组合方式来创作。根据音乐的表现内容,本曲在民乐器-特别是大唢呐的写作上借鉴了诸多现代演奏技法, 充分挖掘与发挥了大唢呐的多种音色与演奏的可能性(如多音和弦,泛音,快速度的音阶进行,跳音音型等等),此外也拓展了笙的多音演奏技术。此外在不同乐器的音色结合上也作了许多尝试,试图寻求一种民乐室内乐重奏全新的表达方式,及其相应的多样化与深度化的音乐表现的可能性。


The Wind Passing Through the Vast World for Pipa and Orchestra (2017)


整部作品的音乐语言主要聚焦于琵琶轮、滚与扫拂组合的演奏技巧与发声 法; 管弦乐队的音乐语言是对琵琶音响模式的进一步延伸,通过将琵琶声响在不 同乐器上的转换与变化,以拓展琵琶音乐的表现力。最终,二者浑然一体共同营 造丝绸之路的历史意象。


In China, pipa refers to a millennia-old lute imbued with crisp poetry and great expression. It has close ties with the Silk Road—a bridge for cultural exchange, which makes such lute bear the imprint of cultural diversity.
With reference to the Greater Qishi tuning of Tang’s five-stringed pipa, the composition in question tries to explore its simple tone and steady resonance by lowering the pitch of both the third and fourth strings.

This masterpiece focuses on performance and intonation, the former of which consists of rotating, rolling, flicking and plucking. The orchestra’s music language further extends the sounds of this instrument for greater expression’s sake by playing other instruments and making relevant variations. As a result, these two together make alive a historic image of the Silk Road

In addition, it restructures Tang Era’s Daqu Tune, which consists of sanxu, zhongxu, rupo and jisheng in a progressive manner, into five continuous parts that are further broken down into ten paragraphs with varying lengths.


The pine-soughing valleys for sheng, guzheng and orchestra





德国斯考斯基国际音乐出版社(International Musikverlage  Hans Sikorski)出版。




笙: 董颖




KALAVIUKA” for Orchestra(2012)


Kalaviuka ( also known as the exquisite sounding bird) has a human head and a bird’s torso, and has been enshrined as a ritualistic performance, often appearing as a visual image in Buddhist culture since the Tang Dynasty. As an artistic symbol of audio-visual synthesis, the sound of the bird has always been seen but not heard. In this piece, the composer uses his fantastic imagination to construct eight images of birdsong in the snowy mountains, the haunting tunes of Sheng and hundreds of birds worshipping the phoenix, etc., which conjure up a vivid natural soundscape.

《聆籁》 为管弦乐队(2018)

Ling Lai ( Listen to the Sounds of Nature ) for Orchestra(2018)




Ling Lai  is inspired by the classical garden of Jiangnan, where the sounds and silences of nature are integrated with architecture, landscape, and poetry to express the Chinese philosophical spirit. The work portrays the ever-changing landscape of the seasons—spring rain, birdsong, wind in the trees, snow—expressing the unique beauty of nature and humanity.

 时空的涟漪 为笙、琵琶、古筝与室内乐队而作

Ripples in Spacetime for Sheng, Pipa, Zheng and Ensemble

该作品的创作灵感和音响核心来自”中国天眼” FAST所发现的来自宇宙深处脉冲星的三个信号片段。 “中国天眼”(500米口径射电望远镜Five Hundred Meter  Aperture  Spherical Radio Telescope)的英文单词首字母也是构成此曲核心音高材料的来源。 此外,通过笙、琵琶与古筝3件中国民族乐器将中国传统音乐中的吟、猱、绰、注、弹挑、扫拂等极具中国韵味特征的音响贯穿作品,并与西方乐器融为一体共同营造一个独特的音响时空。

谨以此曲向“天眼之父”、 FAST工程发起者与奠基人南仁东先生表达由衷的敬意

Ripples in Spacetime is dedicated to an outstanding Chinese astronomer Nan Rendong, the chief scientist and the head engineer of Chinese FAST project, to expressing sincere respect for his pioneering work.  The inspiration and core sonic gesture of this work all come from three slices of pulsar’s signals in deep space that have been discovered by Chinese Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) in 2017, and the dominated pitches of this work originate from several initial letters of FAST. In addition, the composer intends to fuse typical sounds played by Chinese traditional instruments, Sheng, Pipa, Zheng, and those of Western instruments into a unique musical world in this piece.


Jia Guoping FALLING LEAVES INTO DEEP VALLEY for orchestra (2011)


The music title came from Bei Dao’s poem《Away》: “ Away, as falling leaves drifted into deep valley, the songs still finds no home; Gone, as silver moonlight shines on ice, it has overflown the river bank; Vanish, we gaze at the same sky, our hearts beating the drum of dusk…”. This music is not an illustration of the poetic image, rather the resonance between composer and poet’s real-life experience. The work is constructed by five consecutive paragraphs with symbolism sound effect from daily lives. Such as the sound of firecracker represents farewell to children passed away in the May 12th Earthquake; the wind chimes ringtone at the end of the music is a metaphor of “beautiful flowers raising up paradise”. It is a work in memorial of children victimized in the May 12th Earthquake.