
Jia Guoping FALLING LEAVES INTO DEEP VALLEY for orchestra (2011)


The music title came from Bei Dao’s poem《Away》: “ Away, as falling leaves drifted into deep valley, the songs still finds no home; Gone, as silver moonlight shines on ice, it has overflown the river bank; Vanish, we gaze at the same sky, our hearts beating the drum of dusk…”. This music is not an illustration of the poetic image, rather the resonance between composer and poet’s real-life experience. The work is constructed by five consecutive paragraphs with symbolism sound effect from daily lives. Such as the sound of firecracker represents farewell to children passed away in the May 12th Earthquake; the wind chimes ringtone at the end of the music is a metaphor of “beautiful flowers raising up paradise”. It is a work in memorial of children victimized in the May 12th Earthquake.


Jia Guoping The Landscape of Northern Country for Orchestra


The inspiration of this piece comes from Mao Zedong’s  famous poem “Snow”, which was written in February 1936 in Liu village, Shi Lou county,Lu Liang district, Shanxi province after a heavy winter snowfall. Mao expresses his appreciation for the magnificent northern landscape while relating it to his sense of accomplishment and his ambition for China. In his musical rendition, Jia Guoping makes use of the various sounds of the orchestral instruments, composing 10 consecutive sections to represent images such as “A hundred leagues locked in ice”, “A thousand leagues of whirling snow”, “The mountains dance like silver snakes, and the highlands charge like wax-hued elephants.” In addition, the music aims to convey the composer’s deep emotion for his hometown.

《琴况二则》 -管弦乐

Qin Kuang, two movements for orchestra

  1. 《太和》(2021) Taihe (2021)
  2. 《清调》(1998/2021) Qingdiao (1998/2021)


Qin Kuang” by Xu Shangying, a guqin master at the end of Ming Dynasty, expresses the 24 aesthetic “qualities (which is corresponding to “Kuang”况)” pursued by traditional qin performance with condensed and imaginative Chinese characters, reflecting the rich , delicate and subtle life perception of human beings in the midst of nature. “Qin Kuang“, two moments for orchestra, the two criteria of “Harmoniousness(He 和)”and“Clarity(Qing 清)” are chosen to expresses the aesthetic experience and transcendent artistic conception contained in “Qin Kuang” through the sound shaping method of the orchestral music.

克莱蒙纳音乐节——“古老文明的现代回声-中国当代作曲家室内乐作品音乐会” Concerto di Musica da Camera dei Compositori Contemporanei Cinesi

节目单下载 Programme Download


La Provincia cremona: LA LIUTERIA SULLA VIA DELLA SETA Cremona e Pechino unite dalla musica Il concerto Suoni d’Oriente ha chiuso all’auditorium la missione cinese

中国驻意大利使馆文化处: “古老文明的现代回声——中国当代作曲家室内乐作品音乐会”在意成功举办

中央音乐学院: 中央音乐学院师生代表团赴欧交流访演

中央音乐学院:书写中欧当代音乐对话的新一页—— 中央音乐学院师生代表团赴欧交流访演之维也纳篇

中央音乐学院:中国的音乐,世界的回响 ——中央音乐学院师生代表团赴欧交流访演之意大利篇





“喜迎二十大 奋进新征程”系列音乐会II 《新征程》






宁交将携手著名青年指挥家俞潞著名旅美青年钢琴家元杰与各位相约线上——“喜迎二十大 奋进新征程”系列音乐会II《新征程》


活动网站 Website

贾国平 Jia Guoping

代表作品 《清风静响》《风越苍茫》《宁波组曲》等

Composer. He is a professor of composition and doctoral supervisor at the Central Conservatory of Music. He was the deputy director of the composition department and the librarian of the Central Conservatory of Music, and is currently the director of the Institute of Musicology of the Central Conservatory of Music, the key research base of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, the deputy director of the 12th Academic Committee and the director of the 4th Teaching Supervisory Committee of the Central Conservatory of Music.

Representative works: “Whispers of a gentle wind”, “The Wind Passing Through the Vast World”, “Ningbo Suite”, etc.


13.12.2019 聆籁 for orchestra
Midamerica productions 37th anniversary season
Central conservatory of music symphony orchestra of Beijing
Feng Yu, Conductor @ Carnegie Hall, New York

13.10.2019 葬花吟, Zheng solo
2019 National young composer’s symposium on their new compositions
Chamber music concert from CCOM

25.09.2019 The wind sound in the sky
Focused XXII China ConTempo,
9th ConTempo prize winner’s compositions
Ensemble Contempo Beijing & Asianart Ensemble
conductor Il-Ryun Chung @ Konzerthaus Berlin

06.10.2019 The Wind Passing Through the vast world
Weiwei Lan, Pipa & Orquesta Filarmónica de la UNAM, Tao Lin, conductor
@ Centro Cultural Universitario, UNAM, Mexico

21.05.2019 The wind passing through the vast world
with new orchestral music from the central conservatory of music and Brigham young university, conductor Lin Chen @ CCOM Beijing

21.05.2019 北国风光 for orchestra, conductor Peng Liu Wuhan with Philharmonie orchestra @CCOM Beijing

05.04.2019 The Wind sound in the Sky
MUSIC OF TODAY: WU WEI ARTIST PORTRAIT Friday 5 Apr 2019, 6pm Queen Elizabeth Hall, London click here

23.03.2019 The Wind sound in the Sky
Thursday 21 March 2019, 7.30pm CBSO Centre, Birmingham England
click here

01.12.2018 The Wind Passing Through the vast world
for Pipa and Orchestra
Pipa LAN Weiwei, Dirigent LIN Tao
Nationale Symphonie Kemerovo
In Kemerovo Rusland

23.11.2018 Diaspora
AsianArt Ensemble
Berlin, WERNER-OTTO-SAALE 8 p.m Köln click here

14.11.2018 Ripples in Spacetime
in NCPA Beijing

08.11.2018 Ripples in Spacetime II
Brigham Young University USA

14.09.2018 The Wind Passing Through the vast world
for Pipa and Orchestra
Pipa LAN Weiwei, Conductor LIN Tao, Xi‘An Symphonieorchester
The 5th Silk Road International Arts Festival In Xi‘An

15.09.2018 Ripples in Spacetime II
New European Ensemble
2018【11th Shanghai Music Week】

23.09.2018 Diaspora
AsianArt Ensemble
Berlin, WERNER-OTTO-SAALE 8 p.m click