Nao Ge for the Chinese Chamber Orchestra (2019)
From the Qin and Han dynasties to the Sui and Tang dynasties, thousand-year-old prosperity bred and carried by Northwest China is inseparable from the openness, boldness, and self-improvement of people living on the Loess Plateau. The work makes use of the musical form of Nao Ge in Yuefu songs of Han Dynasty and the structural methods of Banqiang musical system in the traditional Bangzi operas to express and spread Chinese people’s national spirit of ceaseless struggle.
《万古江河》 为古筝、竖琴与管弦乐队(2023)
Eternal River – for Guzheng, Harp and Orchestra(2023)
古筝:苏畅 竖琴:王冠
Program note
JIA GUOPING Eternal River – for Guzheng, Harp and Orchestra(2023)
Duartion: ca.10 min.
Guzheng: SU Chang, Harp: WANG Guan
World premiere
Rivers are not only the source of life but also the light of civilization. The everlasting rivers give life to the ancient human civilizations and grow in many different regions. They are not only the conditions and spaces for human life, but also the spiritual foundation for the development of human thoughts, languages, emotions, etc.
The name of this work originally came from the book Wangu Jianghe (Eternal River) by historian Cho-yun Hsu, trying to show a splendid but varied river of time and history in the work. The river starts from a trickle of streams and rushes through reefs, rapids and storms, which is used by the composer as a metaphor for the arduous journey of human civilization development.
相关信息:音乐学现状(公众号) Bilibili(视频链接)
Qing Tune for orchestra in 1998
《潋滟》 为琵琶与竖琴、长笛、单簧管、低音提琴和打击乐而作(2014)
Sparkling for Pipa, Harp, Flute, Clarinet,Double bass and percussion (2014)
乐曲为琵琶与竖琴、长笛、单簧管、低音提琴和打击乐而作,由多伦多New Music Concerts现代乐团委约,并于2014年5月首演于多伦多,琵琶:兰维薇。
Sparkling in the Vast fetures and extends particular techniques of pipa playing, blending with the plucked sound of harp playing. Pipa and harp chase each other, sparkling in the flowing atmosphere created by the wind instruments and doubles bass. Vast is endless silence, setting off and absorbing every sparkling shine.